Sharks Have Heart, the community arm of the Cronulla Sharks, support numerous community events and initiatives every month.
From supporting NRL game day community partners, to player visits to schools, junior league and local Sutherland Shire sporting events, to providing donations to worthy causes and individuals, Sharks Have Heart has a fingerprint and involvement in numerous areas of the local community.
In spreading the word, while providing opportunity for people and organisations to request support and at the same time encouraging donations so as the important community work can be carried out, Sharks Have Heart has its very own website - www.sharkshaveheart.com.au
The website showcases the four pillars of Sharks Have Heart, to Inspire, Grow, Educate and Engage, in addition to providing details on the programs that are currently being run, while also offering the opportunity to track where donations and contributions are being utilised.
And you can help us to make a difference by donating to Sharks Have Heart, either through Play for Purpose, a charity lottery with outstanding prizes or by donating here.
For now, see below the July edition of the Sharks Have Heart monthly newsletter, detailing the work that has been done, the community visits undertaken and the donations and support provided, in keeping everyone up to date with all the most recent happenings.
For those wanting to receive the monthly newsletter, head to Sharks Have Heart to register.
Sharks ride with the Surfrider Foundation

The Sharks joined forces with the Surfrider Foundation earlier this month with NRL squad member Scott Sorensen visiting Cronulla South Primary School in support of the campaign to "Respect the Sea and be Plastic Free".
Sorensen was on hand at Cronulla South to judge a competition being organised by the Cronulla Branch of the Surfrider Foundation, with nine local primary schools taking part.
Students at nine schools participated in a colouring contest, with the winning entry used as the logo on reusable bags to be sold across the community.
The Surfrider Foundation Australia is a registered not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia's waves and beaches through Conservation, Activism, Research and Education or C.A.R.E.
For more on the Cronulla South school visit, or for more on the Surfrider Foundation, click here.
Sharks get behind 'Do Something Day'

Sharks Leagues Club threw their support behind 'Do Something Day', a Club's NSW initiative, when staff attended a Skillz4me session at Taren Point during July.
Skillz4me, a Sharks Have Heart-supported program for children on the Autism Spectrum or with additional needs, which was recently featured on League Life on Fox Sports, is a program combining sport, fun and therapy, with the sessions focusing on building confidence, improving social skills, coordination and balance, stimulating neural pathways, eye tracking and concentration, in a healthy, safe and friendly environment.
Skillz4me, which was founded and conducted by Jason Stanton from Sharks Have Heart in partnership with his wife Sarah, runs over 40 weeks and is a one-hour weekly session at no cost to families.
In supporting 'Do Something Day', Leagues Club staff attended in assisting with the session, giving out Christmas in July presents and providing afternoon tea and refreshments to both the Skillz4me participants and their parents.
And further on Skillz4Me, see the special League Life presentation which aired on Fox Sports recently.
Also, thanks to Capital Bluestone for their continued support as a proud platinum partner of Sharks Have Heart in enabling us to deliver programs such as Skillz4Me.
Mega Jaws a 'mega' success

Another Sharks Mega Jaws clinic during the July school holidays again brought together a collection of additional needs children in delivering a few hours of footy fun that those in attendance will long remember.
The Sharks Mega Jaws clinic gave the group a chance to experience the skills, thrills and the excitement of rugby league, some for the first time in their lives.
Headed up by program facilitator Jason Stanton, Mega Jaws included a visit from popular young Sharks player Jayden Brailey, who dropped into assist on the day.
The youngsters scored some tries, made a few tackles and kicked a ball around Southern Cross Group Stadium, with plenty of fun had by all.
The Sharks offer these clinics as part of the Sharks Have Heart pillar of inclusivity. The club has a strong belief in allowing everyone the opportunity to take part in sport and feel included at the Cronulla Sharks
It was the first time Mega Jaws registrations were made available to the public and the program will continue in 2019.
The Coach contributes to the Red Cross cause

Shane Flanagan was only too happy to assist when the call out came from the Australian Red Cross Blood Service in appealing with "particular urgency" for O-negative blood donors.
Flanagan is O-negative, the blood type particularly critical for use in emergency situations which is stocked on ambulances and rescue helicopters and is always used when a patient's blood group is unknown, with the Sharks coach answering the call and dropping into the Miranda Blood Donor Centre in making a special contribution to the cause.
For more on Flanagan's visit, the shortage and demand for O-negative blood, and how you might be able to donate to the Australian Red Cross Blood Drive, see the Sharks website article.
Because of her, on NAIDOC Week, the Sharks can

Sharks Indigenous players Edrick Lee and Jesse Ramien were joined by Jayson Bukuya at Gunnamatta Park during July in support of the NAIDOC Week festivities.
The players had some fun with the Shark Cage passing activation on the day, in meeting, greeting and engaging with the children in attendance.
The theme of NAIDOC Week was 'Because of Her, We Can!' celebrating the essential role that women have played - and continue to play - as active and significant role models at the community, local, state and national levels.
The Sharks participation and the support of NAIDOC Week was in alignment with our current Reconciliation Action Plan, as the club adheres to the promotion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture within the community
Sharks Have Heart 'Playing for Purpose'

Play for Purpose, the charity lottery which offers outstanding prizes while supporting a cause, has joined forces with Sharks Have Heart.
With more than 11,000 prizes on offer and a better than 1 in 19 chance of winning a prize, Play for Purpose is a way to make a difference while supporting your club.
Tickets in the Play for Purpose raffles are $25, with $15 of the ticket price going straight to Sharks Have Heart.
Major prizes include $500,000 in Gold Bullion, a $150,000 luxury car package and a $25,000 travel experience.
Play For Purpose ensures that record amounts are going to both the charity partners and in prizes for supporters in what is a win-win for those purchasing tickets and for Shark Have Heart. It is also free for the Play For Purpose charity partner to participate.
Go to the Sharks Have Heart dedicated page or to the Sharks website article to find out more or to purchase your tickets.
Fundraising initiatives such as Play for Purpose enables Sharks Have Heart to continue to support important community programs including but by no means limited to Skillz4Me, Make Bullying History and Mega Jaws.
To support Sharks Have Heart in the delivery and sustainability of their programs and initiatives, donations can be made – CLICK HERE – to help make a difference in the community.