Play for Purpose, the charity lottery which offers outstanding prizes while supporting a cause, has joined forces with Sharks Have Heart, the community arm of the Cronulla Sharks.
With more than 11,000 prizes on offer and a better than 1 in 19 chance of winning a prize, Play for Purpose is a way to make a difference while supporting your club.
Tickets in the Play for Purpose raffles are $25, with $15 of the ticket price going straight to Sharks Have Heart.
Play For Purpose guarantees that no matter how many tickets are sold a minimum of 60 per cent will go to the charity of choice, which is Sharks Have Heart, with $1,000,000 in prizes guaranteed.
By using technology and collaborating with Australia's best charities, Play For Purpose ensures that record amounts are going to both the charity partners and in prizes for supporters. A win-win for those purchasing tickets and for Shark Have Heart.
Major prizes include $500,000 in Gold Bullion, a $150,000 luxury car package and a $25,000 travel experience.
It is also free for the Play For Purpose charity partner to participate.
Tickets can be purchased using Visa or MasterCard debit/credit card or alternatively by using PayPal.
The draw date is Tuesday, September 25.
Go to the Sharks Have Heart dedicated page at https://playforpurpose.com.au/sharks-have-heart to find out more or to purchase your tickets.
There is also a Peer 2 Peer (P2P) option, where people can sell on behalf of SHH, setting up their own play for purpose portal page, before selling tickets for SHH.
To register for P2P, click on the form below.
Sharks Have Heart has a vision to inspire, grow, educate and engage our community. With a focus on four main pillars identified within the community, being of Inclusivity, Diversity, Social Impact and Have Heart.
Fundraising initiatives such as Play for Purpose enables Sharks Have Heart to continue to support important community programs including but by no means limited to Skillz4Me, Make Bullying History and Mega Jaws.