It should come as no surprise that someone born and raised in the coastal town of Tweed Heads, would have a love of the ocean.
For Michael Gordon the fact that he was very good at rugby league may have taken him away from the NSW-Queensland border town and subsequently his regular surfing haunts, but now living in the Shire and back by the sea, the Sharks fullback is in his element once again.
When training is over for the day, or on the occasions when coach Shane Flanagan gives the team a much-needed day off, expect to see Gordon with surf board under his arm looking for the best Cronulla waves.
“I love my surfing, I try to get out whenever I get the chance,” Gordon said.
Rated as one of the two keenest surfers in the Sharks ranks along with his regular surfing sidekick in teammate Chris Heighington, Gordon is happy to debate who might be the most adept on a board.
“Heighno thinks he’s the best, but I’m not too sure about that,” Gordon joked.
And many might agree if the photos taken of Gordon as a part of the Sharks member’s calendar are anything to go by.
On a day where the seas were certainly cooperating at a local surf spot, Gordon showed his prowess on the board in waves more than four-foot in height.
The fact that one of his good mates is Howie from Sharks corporate partner Triple Bull Surf and Ski should come as no surprise, while Gordon also has a decent collection of boards, possibly most popular amongst them one designed by Sharks fan Stuart Patterson from PCC surfboards.
He likes a game of golf, spends a few hours in addition to his regular training routine practising his goal kicking, then when the local break isn’t pumping Gordon has plenty on his plate at home, two young children in four-year-old livewire son Cruz and new baby daughter Kahlani keeping him and partner Tess extremely busy.
He hasn’t quite educated the youngsters as yet in the ways of the ocean, but one imagines that will come in time.
Back by the sea after seven seasons at the foot of the mountains as a Penrith Panther, Gordon has fit seamlessly into the Cronulla beach lifestyle and is one Shark who seems to enjoy his life ‘off the Park.’